Monday, July 6, 2009


MASENO DEAF SELF HELP GROUP was founded in March 10th 2005 and registered under the Ministry of Social Service within the law of Kenya.

MDSHG is an non-profit making organization operating within Maseno School for the Deaf, Kisumu City in western Part of Kenya.

It has considered the need and necessity for a self-help group to cater for the welfare and the interest of the Deaf within Maseno, Luanda and part of Kisumu in Nyanza Province of Kenya.

MDSHG expects to achieve the following objectives as in its constitution:

  1. Raising funds for the implementation of the project activities

  2. Trying to establish various projects to employ members (unemployed) in the activities

  3. Offering Career guidance and Family Life Education for the members

  4. Offering advice and general assistance to individual members in business managements

  5. Cooperating with financial partners in implementing project activities

  6. Assisting and encouraging the formation of Deaf woman's Self-help Group and other specialist programs for the furthering of the overall aims of the Group.

  7. Training the school learners and equip them with skills for preparation of self employment

  8. Facilitating Deaf Culture (The use of Sign Language)

  9. Promoting Deaf- awareness to hearing community members to encourage parents who have Deaf children to take them to school

MDSHG has 18 Deaf members whose majority are youths, seeking leadership capacity and self sustainability to achieve uniformity development among its members.

MDSHG plan of Actions:

  1. Seeking for financial partners to assist in its implementation of its objectives

  2. Promoting stuff development that will equip its members with leadership quality in project management and knowledge in various fields of careers expectations

  3. Trying to establish various projects that will help evadicate poverty among its unemployed members to enable them to earn meaning for living. Thus will eventually raise the standard of living.

  4. Facilitating Deaf Culture by encourage the use of Kenya Sign Language (KSL) in school of the Deaf. Hearing teacher will be equipped with the necessary sign skills to help them cope with the teaching curriculum for better performance in the National Examination.

  5. Promoting Deaf Education by creating awareness to both Deaf and Hearing communities and health issues such as HIV/AIDS campaigns and encourage the Deaf parents who have Deaf children to take them to school.

The Chairman

Maseno Deaf Self Help Group (MDSHG) in Maseno, Kenya


Looking forward to cooperate and work with you!

Welcome to Maseno! Karibu Kenya!

Thank you in advance! Asante sana!


Simone Bräunlich said...

Hello Nele,

That is cool what you do there.

I'm Simone (27) from Hamburg / North Germany. I study social work.
I did my practical trainee at the school for the deaf in Sivasailam/Tamil Nadu/South India for 6 months.

I just want to inform you.
I was in Kenya at Sep 2007 for 4 weeks. 3weeks of it I lived in Nyang'oma because of workcamp, nearby Bondo (the next bigger village). Kisumu is next town.
In Nyang'oma it is a school for the deaf.
Maybe you know it or not, so maybe you can visit there...



Nele said...

Hello Simone!
Thanks for the post. Your work sounds interesting as well. What about exchanging some stories? Let me know: or use the email address of the blog.

Yes, next week I am going to visit the school in Nyang'oma. I ve met two Americans who are working there. Should I say hi from you?

Greetings from Kisumu!

Simone Bräunlich said...

I wrote a report about my practical trainee in india. i had to write it for my university.
i wrote a small report of my travelling, too.
it is publishing in magazine "Life InSight", part two will publishing in august, then report of travelling in october.

let me know, if you want to read it. it is in german.
just in other day i hear that you are from germany too. so i see no problem if you read my german reports.

