Back in Kisumu!
It's great to be back!I went to the school in Maseno several times now. With the help of the teachers and the pupils I hope I will be able to communicate in KSL very soon .
Everyone was happy to see me again. And for me the same. It's just great to come back to a place with so many nice people who are willing to help. Austine and me, we made a lot of plans for the next months.
For my research I just have to find a topic for my Diploma/Magister thesis and focus on interviews and learning more about the Deaf culture and community here in Kisumu/Maseno, Kenya.
Austine (one of the deaf teachers at Maseno who gives me most of the information to post) was elected to be chairman for the Kenya Federation for Deaf Teacher (KFDT → see other post). That means he has a lot of work: Preparing events for the children, Organizing meetings, searching for funds, and many more.
It was so interesting to listen and to talk about how this Organization could work in a better sustainable way.

And there will be a lot to do in the next months: A sport event is coming up in Kisumu for the Deaf, a meeting of the Deaf teacher in July, planning summer camps and activities during summer break (starting in August), a big KFDT meeting in September.....
So I am really looking forward to the next months and to be a part of all this.
Besides working with the Federation I am going to work at the school to improve my knowledge about the Kenya Sign Language, to learn more about the culture and the community, doing parts of my research, helping wherever I can (e.g. with funds → see post about Account of Donation) to be a part of the improvement of the situation for the Deaf in Maseno/Kisumu.
Some days during the week I am also attending the Sign Language Class at the Office for the Deaf here in Kisumu. I am going to write more about the work of the office and Osano (teaching KSL there). Just to mention some work: HIV/AIDS awareness campaigns (VCT (Voluntary Counseling and Testing)), Courses in Sign Language for medical personnel, social workers, teachers, police officers, health workers, etc. Besides this the office with its nice surrounding is a social meeting place for the Deaf .
But more about this topic in another post.
Enough for now! I ll keep you updated!
Hope to hear some feedback!
Greetings from Kisumu